Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Flavor of Love 3

[Flavor of Love Contestant:] Oh cutie got it goin' ON!
[Chelsea:] Cute? What?! That dirty motherfucker?!
Flavor of Love Contestant:] You buggin'!
Chelsea:] Ain't no buggin', he's some ugly motherfucker.
Flavor of Love Contestant:] You buggin', no -- look at his disposition, shorty gotta stride!
Chelsea:] What stride? Ugly motherfucker, he ain't shit.
Flavor of Love Contestant:] See, that's my flavor, brother may kill me like that.
Chelsea:] You got mad sour flavor, shorty, cuz that ain't shit at all...
Flavor of Love Contestant:] I'm -- yo G, I don't think he realizes it. Look at him!
Chelsea:] Look at what? Dirty motherfucker, he ain't shit.
Flavor of Love Contestant:] Hahaha, you don't see what I see, B.
Chelsea:] I don't see nothing, you wear glasses, sisso.
Flavor of Love Contestant:] True, true. Just look at him, just look at his disposition! *

There is nothing attractive about Flavor Flav. He is visually unpleasant, has like a billion kids, is frequently in trouble with the law, and while he may not currently be on drugs, I seriously doubt the tenacity of his grasp on sobriety. Shockingly, the man is now in the third season of his very own dating show. So, why does Flavor Flav get to ride this non-stop pussy train to Fun Town? I'll tell you why. Because America is AWESOOOOOME!!!!

* Dialogue borrowed from ODB's "Don't You Know", one of the most beautiful love songs ever written.


joshcon80 said...

A third season? I'm shocked, genuinely flummoxed, as to how it is one of the charming young lady winners from previous seasons hasn't been able to make it work with Flav. Can anybody make love last anymore?

Chelsea said...

strange, isn't it, that filming the courtship doesn't contribute to permanent bonds?